I went to the monkey park in the mountains today and saw monkeys roaming free! The babies were so cute! It was totally a law suit waiting to happen, but it was hecka fun!
A three day weekend at last but I've been stuck in zombie mode so long I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself. Probably hiking tomorrow, then sunday we're going to Osaka for the Kera magazine photo shoot and the Momus show in Kyoto.
My life ain't bad if I can slow down enough to enjoy it. I have this problem where I slack... Read More
I'm feeling moped out and lame. Too much working, not enuff fun. All I seem to be doing anymore is reading best bi erotica 2, drinking coffee, and lyin' in bed like a lazy butt. Jet Lag, I guess. Can I move back to America and start Death Laboratory 69 with Erik and Kathleen?
Sup. I am back in Japan. I like Japan, I hate my job. What's new. I'm going for Yakitori w. Esther saturday night. Yay. I have tomorrow off, getting pictures back. yay!
How you know you were raised in Berkeley- you go into good vibrations, and you recognize someone you went to highschool with (your exgirlfriend's exgirlfriend's exgirlfriend) on the cover of a porno movie. Then, when you go to pay for you purchases, the fag from 7th grade gym class rings you up.
This town is too fucking small.
I bought the second edition of best... Read More
I am in Seoul airport. It is boring and I am not looking forward to a 12 hour plane ride when I already feel jetragged. Arghhh. But I have discovered a new breed of sexy asian man, and that makes me happie!
Welcome back stateside! I found the Faint's Glass Dance, Phantom Limbs, and Black Cat Music's 3rd record that you taped me and they are enriching my life. Now I am listening to Sleepwalking by Modest Mouse on my roommate's computer and it's destroying me.
Crap, I'm tired. but it's good tired.
Today was very nearly perfect- I got to hang out with a rad Austrailian girl, eat a ginormous green tea parfait featuring half a dozen different green tea flavored ingredients, buy an assortment of sanrio vibrators and other cool souvenirs to give to people when I go home next week....Oh, we also watched this CRACKED OUT movie called... Read More
I love that movie, it's so insane!
My favorite character in that movie is the crazy food loving Yakuza boss.
You like Kurosawa movies at all? So awesome!
I have eaten way too many cookies today. Mmmm, cookies.
Ifm going dancing w. Esther tonight. I love Esther! And it will be fun to rock out after sitting on my butt all day and this dumb job.
I got a letter from Darcy yesterday. Yay! I am jealous that she has chili fries and I donft!
Actually, Ifd rather have some cheese fries with... Read More
I ate grasshopper, raw horse, and wild boar last night. And I drank way too much sake too....
no wonder I'm completely unproductive today....And I have a story to revise for Barely Legal that I am really not very excited about.
I did whack it four times, though. Does that count as productive? I like being a girl sometimes.
Dear Nyanko,
Yeah, I've had a much better time whacking it lately than when I actually got laid (you will be getting a dirty letter about that soon). Well, that's not entirely true, but at least I felt better about myself afterwards. Your pictures are so kawaii!!! I love you.
Darcy Suicide
you do look russian