Last journal,
Well lost the job on friday, because of an email that was ment for a friend and got sent to a customer. Oh well time to look for a new job. Well if you know anyone who wants to buy a Audi A4 Wagon let me know. I'm out of here on the 31st of August. I must say I'm glade I'm in...
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I am a non updateing fool! Oh I can not bitch about this weather! its great! (read gotta wash the car) Went to AZ last weekend, who said it was dry hear? F that it was 106 with 71% humitiy! that is like a wac-sauna! it sucked but San Diego might still be one of my favs on the west coast....Just think only 3 more...
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computer suck! mine died and I was with out my girls for almost 2 weeks. Good thang I go out a lot, so I can see Seattles finest!
Built a new one, fast is great but now I need a power supply, dang always one more thing!
Summer is so nice gotta love it in the PacNorWest!
ohh don't get me going on this come winter already navin its not even august yet, but it has been damn nice out so far.
when my internet went down i almost went insane... it was horrible... tramatic... i don't want to talk about it...

so what about this weather we're having? confused
What happen I so done with werk.. Time to Party!!! weekend
Thanks for your comment on my set! Fight Club is one of my favorite flicks! smile
weekend almost here, hurry up already!
It's moving with the speed of an old man with a bad hip crawling out of a warm bath.
hummmm... been out of werk so long dont remember what its like to sit at a desk! But the pay is nice. It's kind acrazy how you think working in a huge company now that there would be some good looking people that work there or at least some with some style...any style...but for the most part they are all...well not tight! There are cool...
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Done with this day bring on the next!