Well, I just found out today that my re-enlistment got denied. Reason why; there are too many people in the Navy and they can't afford to spend that much money to keep me in. Oh well, I guess i'm going to be flipping burgers at Burger KIng........NOT!! I already got a job that I start at in September working for KBR. I'll be making over TRIPLE what I make now, i have better benefits, and a better life insurance policy!!! But what's the catch? Oh, yes, the catch. There's always a catch..... I'll be going back to Afghanistan for eight months, possibly a year...... FUCK ME!!!!! Well, I would say that if I actually didn't like that country, but, truth be told, I like Afghanistan. It's a really beautiful country, just has fucked up people in it. And when I get back from Afghanistan, i'll be moving back down to San Diego to go to school. I have been accepted to San Diego State University. When I say I'm moving back, it's because my first duty station in the Navy was San Diego. God, I can't wait to grow my hair back out and dye it black again, grow my beard back out, and put my piercings back in. I'm anxious to start this new chapter of my life, a second chance, if you will.
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Did you know that those who appear to be really strong, really are th… -
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Well, I just found out today that my re-enlistment got denied. Reason… -
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Thursday Feb 17, 2011
today has been a good day. i found out that my re-enlistment has been… -
Friday Oct 08, 2010
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