Funny Story
All last week I was on vacation. I went to visit my grandparents and my aunt and uncle in Tennessee.
My aunt and uncle have a couple horses and so we decided to go riding. This mind you was only my second time ever on a horse and the first time didn't end up any better.
So they put me on a experenced horse one thats good with beginers and that minds well. And he did that any time I lead him right or left he went no problem. The only problem was he was slow and that the saddle was a tiny bit loose. So I had to keep kicking him to get him to catch up to everyone else. Especally down small hills or when the trail had rocks in it.
So we rode back in the woods for quite a bit and were pretty far our when we decide to turn around and come back. A few hundred feet later we come do a small rocky downhill and of course I expect my horse to go super slow down the hill like All the other times.... Nope.. He takes off Running! So heres the horse running, me inexperenced, caught off gaurd, and also off balence because the saddle was just loose enough for my weight to one side.
Next thing I see is the dirt headed for me at a unusually high rate of speed! Luckly I was able to put my hand down to prevent me from hitting my head too bad. But ALL of my weight and the speed of the 6ft horse landed square on my hip. Next thing I remember was me being on the ground with the wind knocked out of me and thinking Fuck am I gona have a killer headacke or what!
My aunt said she heard the horse running and looked back and all she saw was my shoe fly in the air and hearing a big thud which was my hip and my ribs cracking!
I guess that wasn't so much funny for me as it was for everyone else and im sure you had to be there for it to be funny cause its been over a week and my hip and my ribs still hurt haha.
But it builds character and makes for a good story right?! Plus while I walked for a minute of two to make sure I could still walk the horse kept nudging me with his head to say he was sorry. So that made it all worth while lol.
All last week I was on vacation. I went to visit my grandparents and my aunt and uncle in Tennessee.
My aunt and uncle have a couple horses and so we decided to go riding. This mind you was only my second time ever on a horse and the first time didn't end up any better.
So they put me on a experenced horse one thats good with beginers and that minds well. And he did that any time I lead him right or left he went no problem. The only problem was he was slow and that the saddle was a tiny bit loose. So I had to keep kicking him to get him to catch up to everyone else. Especally down small hills or when the trail had rocks in it.
So we rode back in the woods for quite a bit and were pretty far our when we decide to turn around and come back. A few hundred feet later we come do a small rocky downhill and of course I expect my horse to go super slow down the hill like All the other times.... Nope.. He takes off Running! So heres the horse running, me inexperenced, caught off gaurd, and also off balence because the saddle was just loose enough for my weight to one side.
Next thing I see is the dirt headed for me at a unusually high rate of speed! Luckly I was able to put my hand down to prevent me from hitting my head too bad. But ALL of my weight and the speed of the 6ft horse landed square on my hip. Next thing I remember was me being on the ground with the wind knocked out of me and thinking Fuck am I gona have a killer headacke or what!
My aunt said she heard the horse running and looked back and all she saw was my shoe fly in the air and hearing a big thud which was my hip and my ribs cracking!
I guess that wasn't so much funny for me as it was for everyone else and im sure you had to be there for it to be funny cause its been over a week and my hip and my ribs still hurt haha.
But it builds character and makes for a good story right?! Plus while I walked for a minute of two to make sure I could still walk the horse kept nudging me with his head to say he was sorry. So that made it all worth while lol.