So SG asked me to shoot a set with this one fantastic photographer in Toledo. I'm so excited.

On the other hand, I realized I really suck at everything besides getting naked. Ughhhhhh.
I'm not even good nekkid biggrin
hehe i rule at naked too biggrin
I need to start updating more.

I swear, if I ever get a set accepted, I will update every day.

But until then, my once a month entries will have to do.

I think I'm in love with James' body. She is so gorgeous. And such the ideal girl. Triple X's rock my socks. *Sigh* if only Victoria would quit smoking, drinking, and doing drugs......
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I love Gene Serene, and this is why:

They really think they can buy us
Control us on their times
After all this time
Of their denial of our birthrights
Denial of our creative light
Denial of our second sight
We cannot be replicated
For we stand illuminated
We will not be separated
For we are originals
The original dot dot dots.

Come on

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I agree.

i love Gene Serene too!
Here me, please.

E-Bay is scandalous.

Here is my story.

I do not own a credit card, so I cannot get an ebay account. Which, all in all, is for the best. So my friend and honorable cohort Dan has an account, and I decide, hey, I'm broke! This is because: My soon-to-be apartment sharing slut Victoria is moving in with me and we are...
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1)Things are only worth what people will pay for them.
OH my, don't get sucked in. eeek
Sorry for those who read my journal (though they are very few and rather far between). I really do not update enough. And this entry will be rather short...

For everyone who was wondering, I have DCM (Dilated Cardiomyopathy), which can ultimately lead to heart failure. But I'm struggling to get better, and hopefully I will, even though I caught it quite late. You just...
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O.K. Let us take care of what you need as much as ia possible on-line wink
and thanx for the x-plain
When someone tells you that you are dying, you'd think you'd go out and spend your last day having the greatest sex of your life. Honestly, you don't even think of that. You want to fight. And live. And then you try and think of everything you've done in the past that you loved and had fun doing and made you smile and that you...
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Live it up...I know having an uh--er--expiration date has to be mind consuming.
But most people forget we all will go and when?
We all bes' get busy me included.
Hey I am curious abt what you got, no need to answere,sust curious,
Best wishes,
Hope I didn't stomp all over miss manners on that one kiss
I feel like I am rotting from the inside out. Maybe it is the flu. At least, that is what I am hoping. I am glad I did not feel sick while Sarah was visiting. That would have been a downer.

Anyways, I am hoping to shoot ANOTHER set soon. Hopefully this time I can get the lighting right. Chances are, though, that it will...
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Ha! Playboy only seems interested in airbrushed plastic dolls anymore. They have always been kinda cultish. When the girlie gets in, she can never get out.
Hope you get in to SG.
yick on playboy wink
Of all the things I believe in, it is you that makes my world go around. At one point in time I would have crawled across the ground for a piece of sunlight; I would have pretended everything was God's plan and I wasn't who I was. But now I hold my head high and I just know - like I know my name, like...
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So who are you writing for?
Tell your girlfriend that it's not nice to laugh at my affliction...

So how's about that, Simon Says?

The stench of death is nothing more than a bathtime aroma,
And the heartfelt lies I tell everyone rot my ears and insides.
Could this really be the time passing by me so quickly?
Like a knife my wordless assassin cuts through me
And I find myself hiding behind tears of disfigurement.
The beast within me yelps out in...
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you have pretty eyes... love
How do I explain my dislike for all the doctors I go through in a week? Can't they just tell me the truth and say I'm dying straight up? I hate the fake sympathy I get from them and the ways they tell me I might get better. New treatments my ass! Nothing will ever make this go away. I either live my life bedridden...
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its a lovely song.. i love shirley's voice.. <3
and thank ya for the thumbs up for tonight wink

Sounds more annoying and horrible than I can fathom at the moment
Doctors suck, 6 years of schooling to be an idiot (I've had my run in's with them too)