Hey what the hells your prob I'm sorry if I didnt get to talk to you but Its hard shareing a computer with four people and whats up with this decoy shit was it wrong of me to go out with my boys last night
SHIT I dont need this right now Im seriously stressed about my job and paying rent and and going to court on wednesday
for not haveing registration which i still dont have and for a speeding ticket which I cant afford because of my shitty job Im looking for a new job so Im sorry if you took offence to any thing Ive done but If your going to get mad at me for not being home going to sleep early than I dont need this right now I have my roommates yelling at me for rent and leaving the bathroom door open and and now it smells like cat piss in there and I have to figure out how to pay for registration and the speeding ticket and Im looking for a new job
I thought you might have understood but it seems like your going to get on my case as well as everyone else I consider us still good friends and Im sorry Im seriosly stressed.
Ill be on and off today considering how my roomates moods are and then Im going to hang out with my lil brother cause he always makes me feel better.
Take care and I hope I can talk to you later
SHIT I dont need this right now Im seriously stressed about my job and paying rent and and going to court on wednesday
for not haveing registration which i still dont have and for a speeding ticket which I cant afford because of my shitty job Im looking for a new job so Im sorry if you took offence to any thing Ive done but If your going to get mad at me for not being home going to sleep early than I dont need this right now I have my roommates yelling at me for rent and leaving the bathroom door open and and now it smells like cat piss in there and I have to figure out how to pay for registration and the speeding ticket and Im looking for a new job
I thought you might have understood but it seems like your going to get on my case as well as everyone else I consider us still good friends and Im sorry Im seriosly stressed.
Ill be on and off today considering how my roomates moods are and then Im going to hang out with my lil brother cause he always makes me feel better.
Take care and I hope I can talk to you later