Damn I really need to update this page
just got done with london town and am now in Tuscany. haveing a great time.
whats new with you?

lots of things lol, but mostly school at the moment
Been sick as all hell for the past 3 days, bedridden with a temp of 102
WEnt on a late day hike up at red rock, saw some rabbits, a few snakes, and a tortus.
Yesterday I went to the Las Vegas Shakespeare festival, it was pretty kool, but is only for this weekend.
was going to catch a show or two but the friends flaked on me so I didn't wide up going. Other then that life is good....I need...
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Yesterday I went to the Las Vegas Shakespeare festival, it was pretty kool, but is only for this weekend.
was going to catch a show or two but the friends flaked on me so I didn't wide up going. Other then that life is good....I need...
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i have never been to red rock, but i think i need to go some day soon.
then you should go!
just take water with you.

just take water with you.
Well considering I haven't updated this thing sense Jan, I figure I might as well.
Ok finished winter/spying semester of school, signed up for a few online courses for the winter. Went on tons of hikes up at Red Rock park with my dog. Starting to hit the gym agene because I actually have the time to.
And blow most of my cash on my...
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Ok finished winter/spying semester of school, signed up for a few online courses for the winter. Went on tons of hikes up at Red Rock park with my dog. Starting to hit the gym agene because I actually have the time to.
And blow most of my cash on my...
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I am had one crazy ass week. I have been going out ever night for the past week, ever night at a diffrant bar or club. My freands have been interducing me to tons of people and takeing me to lots of diffrant clubs and bar.
New years wasnt to crazy. just ate and drank alot, made a bonfire and tossed firecrackers into it.
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New years wasnt to crazy. just ate and drank alot, made a bonfire and tossed firecrackers into it.
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no it was just for fun. i need to get off my lazy ass and shoot a new set. soon. maybe. hahah.
thanks for the add

my vacation dec 08
Sounds like a plan!
I only have 90 some now.

Well I think I should add a little more to this then.
Last weeknd was pretty damn good, drank my self silly on friday night, played pool and hung out at the PTs on Charlstan and Decater with some freands of mine.
then on saturday I hung with my buddy hewitt, becuase it was his 25th and stoped off at a few bars, watched the...
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Last weeknd was pretty damn good, drank my self silly on friday night, played pool and hung out at the PTs on Charlstan and Decater with some freands of mine.
then on saturday I hung with my buddy hewitt, becuase it was his 25th and stoped off at a few bars, watched the...
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Ok I am fiinaly out of the army and back out west in sin city.
Jsut got the unpacking done and am planing on just kicking back untell school starts.
Jsut got the unpacking done and am planing on just kicking back untell school starts.
Congrats for coming out of the army... where r u going UNLV?? FUN!

awww that dog is very cute!! i have one that looks like him but a lot fatter!!