It's a Friday night and I'm not in bed and hopefully sleeping at 10:40pm.

You see, I work every Saturday morning from 6 - 10 AM. Except for tomorrow. Tomorrow I work from Noon to 4 PM. So I don't have to be out the door by 5:35....and up at 4:45.

I get to sleep in...which I probably will do till 7 AM.

Anyway. I...
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I used to be king of the night owls.  Rolling in at 2-230 and getting in bed around 4
thanks @zumie!  

My week hasn't been great, hasn't been bad just kinda there.

What are your weekend plans? I don't really have any....because, of course, I'm working on Saturday as usual, but this weekend I'm not working the early Saturday morning shift. I will be on during the mid-day, so we will see how that goes. It will be different for sure.

I hope you all get...
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It's Topless Tuesday...right?

I finally grew a pair and decided to share

No top of my head. That's how you do it right?

thanks for the like @macabra!    
Thank you @anchee! 

Well I got home from work a little bit ago, and I've got to go pay my respects to a friend, who's father passed away, and then later on tonight I've got to go to work a hockey game...so my Saturday is pretty much shot.

I guess it would be more accurate to say that it's booked up.

I was hoping to go hit a...
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The week is flying by and it's Thursday already. I hope you all have a great day.

I had a great time last night with my buddy, and this morning I'm off work for a few hours so I can hopefully work on securing another seasonal gig for the upcoming hockey season. I've been in pursuit of this since February, and I'm hopeful we can...
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thanks @mint  I hope your day is outstanding

I got home from work a bit ago, and am excited because I'm going to be seeing a friend in from out of state tonight. We were in the Navy together a long time ago, and don't get to see each other often because he lives in Colorado.

We are going to have some brats on the grill and do some catching up.

My night...
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It's Monday...yippee! I hope everyone had a safe weekend, and that you all have a great week starting today.

Something to think about.

Even on your worst day, you can change the life of someone else and make their worst day better, with a kind word or gesture