Tuesday Jul 20, 2010 Jul 20, 2010 0 Facebook Tweet Email I badly, badly, want to travel right now but I don't know where to VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS hannahbanna: im dandy thanks just made pizzas with my little boy up 2 much this evening? Jul 24, 2010 jadeyo: Italy!! My UKCAT is on August 23rd...I'm pretty scared 'cause it's horrific!! I'm on an A in Chemistry, that'll do I think? Just gotta wait til the 18th now and discover my fate!! Why do you know what the UKCAT is? 99% of humans are ignorant to it's existence!xxx Jul 27, 2010
just made pizzas with my little boy
up 2 much this evening?
My UKCAT is on August 23rd...I'm pretty scared 'cause it's horrific!!
I'm on an A in Chemistry, that'll do I think? Just gotta wait til the 18th now and discover my fate!!
Why do you know what the UKCAT is? 99% of humans are ignorant to it's existence!xxx