First off, thank you all for the responses to my last blog. I am over whelmed 
In case anyone wonders why I am single, this is how I roll :
Yesterday I got a sandwich.
I sat down to eat it.
I noticed the counter girl peeking at me.
I bite into my sandwich.
It has a hot pepper in it.
My mouth is on fire.
I reach for my soda.
I knock it over.
It runs down the front of my top and jeans.
I now look like I have pissed myself.
I slink away.
Yeah, I am pretty slick

In case anyone wonders why I am single, this is how I roll :
Yesterday I got a sandwich.
I sat down to eat it.
I noticed the counter girl peeking at me.
I bite into my sandwich.
It has a hot pepper in it.
My mouth is on fire.
I reach for my soda.
I knock it over.
It runs down the front of my top and jeans.
I now look like I have pissed myself.
I slink away.
Yeah, I am pretty slick

lol. Its funny. Everytime somebody on here compliments me, my fianc says "SEE! I tell you ALL the time but you don't believe me!! THERE'S PROOF!" lol.
Again, you're too sweet. Thank you.