Going to the SG event at Spice Bar in Columbus tonight! I hope to see some of you lovelies there! kiss
i absolutely love that pic of the shadows holding hands. is that you guys?
Quick update on the John situation:

After I told him that he was in a rather stunned silence for at least a half hour, cleaning his room and keeping to himself while I sat in here doing work on his bed. I think he was in moderate shock that he had done something that seemed to hurt me so much without meaning to or realizing...
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You two look good together in your pics. Glad to hear you've cleared the air. You should hear some of the things me and my wifey call each other. On the other hand....
He did it again. He opened his mouth wide and shoved his foot in there as far as it would go. As such, I stared at him in shock. Mumbled something about needing to watch what he says because it sounded like he was calling me fat. He bumbled through some "I wasn't calling you fat though" sentiments and I walked out of the room....
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sometimes us guys don't think before we speak! i really don't think it was his intentions to hurt your feelings, but its good you told him!
Ahh, you look lovely, Evy girl. Us blokes sometimes take several years of house training before we realise we don't have the smart mouths we thought we had. But if he can't see he's got a gorgeous girlfriend then he needs his eyes testing.
If he has any sense, you should be waking up to a room full of spring flowers tomorrow.
I promised pictures of me in my new glasses and have failed to deliver. *sigh* I should be ashamed. BUT, I will make it up to you soon. I'm going to see Guster tonight for this Relay for Life concert. I'm super excited. There will be lots of pictures to follow, I'm sure, and I'm wearing my glasses. Soooo... =P

How is everyone doing out...
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thats really awesome that you still honor your dad's birthday. very cool!

What a great way to remember your Dad. Hope all the studying and tests goes okay.
Two things real quick:

1. If you are the praying or meditating or thinking on type, keep my oldest nephew Austin in your thoughts. He's in the hospital right now with a host of mental health issues and while I don't have the time to get into them right now (I may later), he's a good kid at heart but he sure did get the...
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You tell your boyfriend to stick to his guns! It's a sport played with a ball that you kick....not carry, hurl or otherwise move about. What else would you call it? Tsk!
yeah my brother is a dick. a big dick, and its quite annoying. my husband and i have been together for five years, and my brother still cant get over it
I feel rather ugly right now.

I've lost somewhere in the ball park of 30 pounds since the end of December and I know I'm starting to feel better and I notice that I'm looking thinner, but no one else notices unless I make it clear to them that I'm working on it. Even my best friend, who I hadn't seen since very early January...
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We all need a little validation sometime. Ten years ago I was 150lbs, training three times a week, and climbing at my best. Now I'm more like 180lbs, haven't climbed in months, and paranoid about putting on more weight.
But I think us men can be quite ignorant when it comes to supporting our partners. My wife suffers from depression and, as she nears her 50th birthday, feels even more the need for reassuring words. And it doesn't take much to be honest. Just the odd 'Wow, you look nice tonight', or something. I try to be honestly critical too. Not just blanket compliments, but saying when an outfit doesn't work, or participating in the clothes shopping, rather than sitting looking glum in a corner, or buggering off to the music store.
But part of sharing our life with another person is supporting them (even though at other times we might have some real humdinger rows, we're still a team). Frankly, if your parnter can't be arsed to pay the odd compliment now and then, I'd withdraw my attentions from him, and start lavishing them elsewhere!
But then I am quite metro!
Well done on losing the weight by the way! I know how hard it is. Keep it up.
Us blokes take our time about maturing, believe me. You've probably got a few years to go on the whole 'I'm a guy, don't be needy' trip. We do grow out of it eventually, and realise that if we're not going to spend the rest of our lives in seedy loneliness we'd better start being nice to our girls.
Though, usually, by the time we do, our girls are more interested in validation from other women than they are from their man!
First week of classes was pretty good. I'm gonna be busting my ass this term, but that's why I'm glad I only have three class days. Organic chemistry seems difficult, but not impossible. Microbiology actually seems pretty interesting. Physical anthropology seems like it could be good if I don't fall asleep in that class. The professor is on the soft spoken side so it seems...
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its http://sugarkisseddesigns.etsy.com the store is open, i just dont have anything in it lol. i was gonna work in some flower kits, maybe some skirts
I'm on the otherside of downtown from UD. About 5 minutes from it.
Looks a wonderful place, and a fun weekend. Hope you're keeping well? smile
Thanks for the offer. You never know. My company has offices all over the place in the US! Sheffield isn't quite as special, I think. But I do very good London tours!