Maybe it makes me vain, but I really don't care: I have come to thoroughly enjoy going to the tanning bed. It's so nice and relaxing and warm and I swear that the UV light is doing my mind some good too. My mom bought a light box a year or so back for her SAD and tried and tried to get me to use...
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i've not seen you around SG before, just saying hi. we should chat sometime!
you do look and sound quite familiar...hmmm! ya have messenger?
But I'm le tired... and le sick.
Ugh. I hate feeling like this. Damn that John for passing me his cold. I guess I shouldn't complain too much since I insisted he sleep with me even when he was all icky.
The quarter is almost over and that is more than a little weird for me. I'm used to semesters so the change is jarring....
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Ugh. I hate feeling like this. Damn that John for passing me his cold. I guess I shouldn't complain too much since I insisted he sleep with me even when he was all icky.
The quarter is almost over and that is more than a little weird for me. I'm used to semesters so the change is jarring....
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@MOJOtheDUCK - Oh man. It's just that my boyfriend's group of friends have so much drama because of their incestuousness. If more of them dated and slept outside of their core group of friends, much of this would be a none issue.
The "war" hitting closest to home though is one involving our roommate B. He has, in the last 8 months, become kind of...
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The "war" hitting closest to home though is one involving our roommate B. He has, in the last 8 months, become kind of...
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aw my kitty has the same lil "M" on his forehead!
In moving to Dayton, I not only found myself amongst many new friends, but also in the crossfire of three raging wars. As such, I have declared myself and, with the backing of 3 of my 4 roommates (thus far), declared this house Switzerland.
John and I really do want to be friends with everyone, but some people are seemingly trying to make that very...
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John and I really do want to be friends with everyone, but some people are seemingly trying to make that very...
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