Today was excellent, despite the crappy weather. Hung out with king_of_skulls and Mr. Spikey at KoS' place, did some laundry, had some excellent pizza, watched tv, had a lot of great conversation all day. Always good hangin with good friends...
that's really about it for now. The countdown to vacation will be 5 days in just 15 minutes. I'm getting more anxious every day...things aren't getting better or worse, kinda remaining stagnant. Wednesday will undoubtedly be interesting, as I've got a "talk" to have with someone who's been trying to step on me, and invade my private life. Welcome to "the scene", I suppose. Nothing new. Ya got something good, someone tries to take it away from ya. I hate people.
that's really about it for now. The countdown to vacation will be 5 days in just 15 minutes. I'm getting more anxious every day...things aren't getting better or worse, kinda remaining stagnant. Wednesday will undoubtedly be interesting, as I've got a "talk" to have with someone who's been trying to step on me, and invade my private life. Welcome to "the scene", I suppose. Nothing new. Ya got something good, someone tries to take it away from ya. I hate people.

these boots are made for walkin and thats just what they will do one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you
"Go kick some ass love"