the amazing support you left for me, is so appreciated. thank you <3 it's good to know i'm not alone even if that means other people have to live with similar situations. i would really love to see a therapist more than anything and i think this is definitely the kind of help i need from here on out (especially one who knows about ADD). my biggest problems are trying to change my behaviour and habits and the way i do things (or don't do them haha). but BC (where i live) has a severe shortage of any kind of therapy or psychiatric support, and almost nothing at all for adults with ADD. part of this is because BC (particularly Vancouver) deals with a lot of severe mental health and addiction troubles and things like ADD really take a back-burner. it seems unless you're addicted to an illegal substance or suicidal you won't be able to see anyone. it's such a shame.
anyways, i'm rambling. thanks for such sweet words xxxx.
anyways, i'm rambling. thanks for such sweet words xxxx.