So I am going to start running again. I was going to start running on my road, but it just seems that running on a rough gravel road seems like a bad idea. So I'm going to start running on the track at school every Monday and Wednesday. And get this: I'm going to be running barefoot! I read a bunch of studies that made me realize that my foot evolved over millenia to be as good at running as possible. My logic in this is that I can't run very far anyway, so my diminished endurance will be a fail-safe to keep me from going too far, too fast. And I can only get to the track twice a week now anyway, so I get 5 days to heal up till I run again Monday. And I'll start by going totally barefoot (again, in line with Vibram's advice) until I can get the shoes anyway (luckily, the track at the school is that padded shredded rubber). I figure get in there before class, run, shower in the HPE building, go to class, go home and pop tylenol and cry when the endorphins wear off lol.