So on Saturday (the day of Mardi Gras), we started partying around 11am, and I didn't stop till something like 7am Monday morning. Yes, I did sober up in there somewhere, and I did sleep (a little lol), but come Monday I was so tired that my eyes weren't even focusing at the same distance. It was AWESOME.
I was at the Mardi Gras party, literally in the heart of it; 9th and Geyer in Soulard, that was where everyone was. It was so dense that we literally had to shove our way through the crowds. Long in the short, I ended up doing shots with some New Yorkers, and I made fun of them for being from New York, and they made fun of me for being from Texas. Times were good, but I think that SoCo Lime isn't all that great. Dude bought me a Hurricane, so it's all good.
After that, we decided to walk from 7th & Soulard all the way to Union Station (a helluva walk with the windchills in the 20's). I got in a scuffle with the cops for drinking in the open, so I pounded my drinks and threw away my cups. After that we went to a liquor store and bought some booze, then went to a little house party in Clayton and played bananagrams. We took some pictures (I'll get them up when I get them myself), and then went to Edwardsville. Something happened, and next thing I know we're at this dude's house and I'm sitting in a hot tub in my underwear with Tara, Kristen, Sara, and this dude. About 3am we decided to get out (like 5 other people showed up by then, and it was getting crowded). So I played DJ and we made Charlie Sheen jokes (TIGERBLOOOOOOOD!!!) and next thing I know, I wake up on my friend Kristen's floor. I get downstairs and her mom is flipping out on my for sleeping there, and her dad waits till her mom leaves and just says it was all right and ok. He's such a bro.
So I went home and slept a couple hours, got up, showered, ate, and went to Soulard and walked around looking at the clean up. I went back home and went back to sleep. Sunday afternoon I went to the bar, met up with a couple buddies, and we went to a party after the bar closed and played an awesome game of strip poker (which I totally won (and yes, there were females present by then)). Around 7 one of the girls drove me home and my buddy to his car. I promptly fell asleep. Since then, I've been doing nothing. I spent something like $250 in two days on booze. I don't remember eating anything. I don't remember drinking anything that wasn't alchoholic. For two days. Monday I tried eating and drinking stuff, but my throat closed up on water and I couldn't stomach chewing food. I really felt like hell. I've since recovered.
So Tomorrow is the St Pat's Day parade in Dogtown, my buddy Eric and I are going. Any takers? I'm not going to party; after the parade I'm going to my gramma's and spending the night. But if anyone would want to hang, this is my last hurrah in Saint Louis before I go back to my beloved Texas.
So on Saturday (the day of Mardi Gras), we started partying around 11am, and I didn't stop till something like 7am Monday morning. Yes, I did sober up in there somewhere, and I did sleep (a little lol), but come Monday I was so tired that my eyes weren't even focusing at the same distance. It was AWESOME.
I was at the Mardi Gras party, literally in the heart of it; 9th and Geyer in Soulard, that was where everyone was. It was so dense that we literally had to shove our way through the crowds. Long in the short, I ended up doing shots with some New Yorkers, and I made fun of them for being from New York, and they made fun of me for being from Texas. Times were good, but I think that SoCo Lime isn't all that great. Dude bought me a Hurricane, so it's all good.
After that, we decided to walk from 7th & Soulard all the way to Union Station (a helluva walk with the windchills in the 20's). I got in a scuffle with the cops for drinking in the open, so I pounded my drinks and threw away my cups. After that we went to a liquor store and bought some booze, then went to a little house party in Clayton and played bananagrams. We took some pictures (I'll get them up when I get them myself), and then went to Edwardsville. Something happened, and next thing I know we're at this dude's house and I'm sitting in a hot tub in my underwear with Tara, Kristen, Sara, and this dude. About 3am we decided to get out (like 5 other people showed up by then, and it was getting crowded). So I played DJ and we made Charlie Sheen jokes (TIGERBLOOOOOOOD!!!) and next thing I know, I wake up on my friend Kristen's floor. I get downstairs and her mom is flipping out on my for sleeping there, and her dad waits till her mom leaves and just says it was all right and ok. He's such a bro.
So I went home and slept a couple hours, got up, showered, ate, and went to Soulard and walked around looking at the clean up. I went back home and went back to sleep. Sunday afternoon I went to the bar, met up with a couple buddies, and we went to a party after the bar closed and played an awesome game of strip poker (which I totally won (and yes, there were females present by then)). Around 7 one of the girls drove me home and my buddy to his car. I promptly fell asleep. Since then, I've been doing nothing. I spent something like $250 in two days on booze. I don't remember eating anything. I don't remember drinking anything that wasn't alchoholic. For two days. Monday I tried eating and drinking stuff, but my throat closed up on water and I couldn't stomach chewing food. I really felt like hell. I've since recovered.

So Tomorrow is the St Pat's Day parade in Dogtown, my buddy Eric and I are going. Any takers? I'm not going to party; after the parade I'm going to my gramma's and spending the night. But if anyone would want to hang, this is my last hurrah in Saint Louis before I go back to my beloved Texas.
That sounds like alot of fun!
haha i bet.