You know what pisses me off? Stupid tattoos.
I saw a girl with at least 6 swallows going down her thigh, all the exact same thing, except turned on an axis. I asked her why she did that. Her response? "Because I thought they were 'sooooo ceeeeuuute'"
Made me want to shank a bitch. I just walked away. I've been to sick lately to deal with stupid people.
Fucking idiots.
I saw a girl with at least 6 swallows going down her thigh, all the exact same thing, except turned on an axis. I asked her why she did that. Her response? "Because I thought they were 'sooooo ceeeeuuute'"
Made me want to shank a bitch. I just walked away. I've been to sick lately to deal with stupid people.
Fucking idiots.
What pisses me off about tattoos are when people get trend tattoos. Like stars, swallows, those hideous tribals the big burly have, playboy bunny, Chinese writing, cartoon characters. Basically the kind of tattoos that EVERYONE has either cos they just like them or cos they looked cool on someone else.
Oh, and random tattoos that were put smack on the middle of nowhere. Like a single item on the middle of your upper arm. It looks bland and ugly and generally very boring.