So I am having a hard time with something. Maybe this is how I failed school. I know things are messed up. I can even point to the inherrent reason why they are messed up. However I cannot argue or debate this at all. It's kind of like in school how I could take tests and pass them without really opening books because I could just logic out the answers, but I failed because I never did the homework or studying. Because of this I sometimes look like a boob because it is a great triumph for me to understand things. I talk a good game because I am extremely logical but I often don't understand the inner workings of things, so my theories , albeit good theories, are often shot right down by someone who, right or wrong, understands the subject better then I. Right now I am having a hard time paying attention to much else because I feel that it is all about big business controlling government. I steadfastly believe that simply because it is logical. So I strive to make people aware of this and how I see that this even came to be and people act like I am some sort of wierd conspiracy theorist or something. To me it is the most obvious thing in the world but I guess to others it isn't. I know I shouldn't care but on a very basic human emotional level it leaves me feeling a little dumb and a little uneffective. Just getting shit off my chest.
Love, Gabe
Love, Gabe