It has been about 7 years since I have worked on my musical side project, I/O. It's time I change that! I started working on some new I/O material, including this rough mix of the new I/O track, "Dystopia Now". You can hear it here.


I can't kill away the thoughts she implanted inside of me
I can't scratch away the sound of...
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In 2009, I wrote a song called "(in)finite". I have always liked the song, but didn't like the conditions under which it was recorded. Namely, it was recorded on a cheap laptop using the built-in audio hardware, a ton of free software synthesizers, and a microphone that I bought from Walmart for about $20.

The re-recorded version was recorded between December 4-5, 2021 at my...
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The bad news is, while on my way to work, this morning, I injured my car. It's only a flat tire, but it will probably take a week to fix, because of the slow supply chain, here in the States.

The good news is, the downtime has allowed me to create a demo of a song I'm working on, called "God On the Screen". Not-so-ironically,...
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Over the past week, I have been sick with a nasty virus (not COVID, the test was negative). The downtime has allowed me to work on some new music, which is always good. The music is inspired by the fever dreams I had, while sick - a mix of oddly beautiful dreams and some that were terrifying. The song makes liberal use of tritones (also...
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I drive for Uber a few times per week, to make some cash to feed my musical instrument collecting habit. Sometimes, driving treats me to some pretty amazing views. Yesterday morning was particularly beautiful...

This is a pretty cool screenshot. I try to use my dash cam as a backup for any strikes that I may miss when I'm out in the field trying to photograph lightning (or if the storm is a little too strong for my liking, haha).
@sammax93  - The cam came in handy picking up a funnel cloud that spun up (and disappeared, just as quickly) right in front of my car.  I was looking out the driver's side window and my spotter was looking out the passenger side.  Neither of us saw the funnel spin up right in front of us until we reviewed the video (this happened this past March in Alabama).  The rear camera came in handy about a week ago, capturing a driver on her phone, as she rear ended me.  Miraculously, no damage was done to either of our cars.  But, the cam picked up that she was looking at her phone when she hit me... and that she didn't have license plates on her vehicle.

As the title suggests, this is another frame from the Goodbye To Summer shoot I had the pleasure of photographing with the featured model, Lindsey - one of the most badass models I have worked with! This shot was taken about an hour before sunset at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes, near Mears, Michigan.

A side note to add a little context to the shooting...
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I will miss summer 😭
@nannakya - I already miss it.  Is it too soon to wish for Spring?

My favorite time of year has come to a close - summer in my home state of Michigan, USA. Those who are familiar with Michigan know that summer is far too short. For me, the best way to wave goodbye to summer is with a photoshoot at Lake Michigan. Modeling is the lovely Lindsey.


Went out for some ice cream, today. As always, I ordered a small flurry with Snickers and Oreo. Although I was served a "small" cup, they packed (at least) a medium's-worth of ice cream into that thing. I mean, just look at my brain freeze! But really... look at how much ice cream they packed into that cup. Totally got my money's worth on this...
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Okay, so I got a bit of a late start. The important thing is, I have some plans on where to expand on this, from here. But, today, I got my first ink.


I was given the honor of photographing a wedding, this past Saturday. The venue was beautiful, but lighting was a serious challenge... there was hardly any light. Thankfully, the bride is the artistic, creative type. For her solo shots, she was able to pose in interesting places that really complimented the light and the décor of the venue. As such, one of my favorite shots...
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Amazing pic 😍