I'm really godamn drunk right now and I think I'll type something so I can go back on it tommorow and say shit mother fucker why the flaming fuck did I type that shit.

So anyway, I have several things wrong with me, as a lot of us do, but I'm working on it. And everywhere I turn I see the godamn hand!

You know...
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yeah it could be worse. I could be drunk typing about pizza, age and vain women, hahaha.
I saw a spider in my pirates eyepatch last night.

Then I couldn't sleep, now I feel like shit...

I always feel like shit, just being here, in this body, doing the same old shit every day makes me feel like a big steamy pile of poop.

And yet I don't change anything, because I'm too fn' lazy to change anything, I'd rather just continue...
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I'm spry again, not sure what this means, probably more heartake and despair. I can't fathom how I got to this point and why. I look forward to, and see, only my own ruin but I feel compelled to go on, to seek out what is at the end, perhaps I wish to hurt again.

But in the end if I do end up damaging...
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it's sad when the only thing you look forward to is smoking or drinking...

I'm tasty because I'm 30yo and a virgin, and your not.

Ha Ha
In my semi inebriated state I seek to start out this blog entry by saying some times you just must write, and in this case I must, write.

Every once in a while in a young mans life there is a hollow noise that he follows that leads him to believe he's not worth much, this leads him to do some strange things. Fortunately the...
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life is like a dartboard, some times you land in the middle and some times your

way the fuck over in your moms favorite vase 5 feet away.

Man is she ever gonna kill me.

Oh and by the way, I'm not a prude, I don't know what the hell happened to me, I"m pretty sure I've always been intelligent enough to...
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turning ever after in the echo of evil laughter you would find the ways of the newest fancy craze.

then you find the lower one the one that speaks in wretched tounge finding slovenly betrayal all that makes the world.

and in that final gesture note you find the funniest of boat the place that all of us will go into the darkness we will...
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you know how hard it is to forget something when one of your friends is throwing it in your face every 5 godamn seconds.

fucking cuntwheel, wish he'd churn his meat in the blender and make some popsicles. The world is full of dilusional apathentic monkeys. /me shakes meat hook at world, I hate you world!
if as humans we saw a predator go into a national park, rapidly reproduce, and kill off almost all of the life in that park, what would we do?

probably kill the predator, but in a way to preserve the rest of the life in the park.

Ever get the feeling that something or someone more responsible then us is doing the same thing to...
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hey thanks for your comment on my set smile xx
inside the clamshell is a dark warm place. Inside that warm place is where I live, basking in whats' left of life, absorbing the darkness to nourish myself.

Soon the clamshell will open and there will be no perl inside, only a bit of sand and a runny ball of oozy goodness.

Can you see what could have been a perl?

Only if your into...
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