When I was younger, I would tell friends having crises of confidence that if they couldn't believe in themselves, they could believe in me and we'd get through it together. I don't say that anymore. I'm not sure whether it's from growing up or growing tired.
More Blogs
Monday Oct 23, 2006
Chapter 10,813: In which our hero almost passes out in an airplane b… -
Tuesday Oct 17, 2006
I completely forgot I had a Yahoo! email address. Well, that's not e… -
Wednesday Oct 11, 2006
I neither interview nor mope well. The two are often hideously relat… -
Monday Oct 09, 2006
Quite often my dreams are of blood and fire and grace. They resemble… -
Sunday Oct 08, 2006
Through the sort of diligent and pointless research that I do when I'… -
Wednesday Oct 04, 2006
I added a new Apple Cinema display to my desk to replace the venerabl… -
Tuesday Oct 03, 2006
Up early. Chores done. Breakfast consumed. Today will be a good da… -
Sunday Oct 01, 2006
Spent the afternoon planning on doing something...I suppose ridiculou… -
Wednesday Sep 27, 2006
Speaking with my boy, the PizzaMan last night, I said something I rea… -
Tuesday Sep 26, 2006
Quiet music and black thoughts are not the way to spend an evening. …