When I was younger, I would tell friends having crises of confidence that if they couldn't believe in themselves, they could believe in me and we'd get through it together. I don't say that anymore. I'm not sure whether it's from growing up or growing tired.
More Blogs
Monday Nov 20, 2006
When I was younger, I would tell friends having crises of confidence … -
Saturday Nov 18, 2006
In conversation, I realized today that I have nothing in my apartment… -
Wednesday Nov 15, 2006
Sitting at my desk writing fitfully, I listen alternately to Pink Flo… -
Sunday Nov 12, 2006
I've been subject to that odd sensation that I get from time to time:… -
Wednesday Nov 08, 2006
Sitting in my apartment, looking at the internet, and trying to forge… -
Sunday Nov 05, 2006
I spent a lot of money this weekend--say...50 times what I spend in a… -
Friday Nov 03, 2006
I've often said that if a body doesn't have anything immediately wr… -
Wednesday Nov 01, 2006
Things are quiet lately. So quiet in fact that it's hard to come up … -
Thursday Oct 26, 2006
I spent some time wondering why I never played the bass anymore this … -
Tuesday Oct 24, 2006
Upon noticing that my temporary medication had turned my pee a bright…