In early 2004, there was an SGSeattle dream team, and last night, I found that I missed us. It was an odd feeling, because I don't have a lot of backward looking ability and regret is a nonexistent emotion in me. However, talking to MisterSatan and It_Thing_Hard_On yesterday, I remembered what that crew was like. Reading SGSeattle now, it wasn't the same, and that made me sad.
MisterSatan, SupremePizzaMan, PunkJr, It_Thing_Hard_On, Luminaire, freckle, DreamMaker, Kara, Volks, Roxy, Adore, Seth0067, Desdenova, and the rest of our idiotic cast of dozens, I salute you.
MisterSatan, SupremePizzaMan, PunkJr, It_Thing_Hard_On, Luminaire, freckle, DreamMaker, Kara, Volks, Roxy, Adore, Seth0067, Desdenova, and the rest of our idiotic cast of dozens, I salute you.
do i get a honorable mention for almost getting punched by a drunked you?
oh no worries. it was totally forgiven after it happened. you're not the same person now, anyway.