Thanks to all of you who welcomed me to!
So yesterday we had this day ("penkkarit") when all the last year students of senior highs just party because they have no actual school days left anymore, just the final exams.
They dress up in different types of costumes, circle different schools in trucks and throw candy to all the younger pupils.
Well, I joined the party crowd, even though I'm not finishing school yet. (Due to my laziness I'll be stuck in senior high for one more year.)
I was dressed up as a German maiden. I thought my costume kicked ass. I had these breeches and a frock. And in addition to them, I had a blonde wig with two long braids. Oh yeah, and of course a pint! (German people out there reading this, don't get offended. I love Germany, I've actually been wanting to visit there for a long time.)
In the morning we had a champagne breakfast at the school. So I naturally insisted to drink my glass of champagne (well, actually it was just plain sparkling wine) from my pint. And so I did. I also got a few amused looks by the others students at lunchtime, when I marched on the lunch line with my pint. However, the attendants who had been hired to our school to watch that the students don't get completely trashed and start puking all over the school were quite suspicious about my pint.
Well, here's a picture of me. My friend took it at the champagne breakfast.
After the candy throwing me and my friend went to downtown. We still had our costumes on, so you probably can imagine that we raised attention.
In the evening we went to a bar, but I only drank 2 bottles of cider because I was supposed to go to school today. And going to school when you're hungover is just simply horrible.
I danced so much that my feet and back still hurt!
Well I didn't get myself to wake up before 7.30 am, so I missed my first class. And then I realized that the second class is cancelled and the third one I have free. That only leaves the last one and I have gymnastics then. I don't think I'm going to go there, I'll just compensate it by going to an extra gym class some other day.
So I have the whole day off. I'm thinking of going to Helsinki for a little shopping spree.
Tomorrow I'm going out. I persuaded two of my friends to go to a nightclub with me. I'm in the mood for a lot more dancing! (And a lot more drinking.)
So yesterday we had this day ("penkkarit") when all the last year students of senior highs just party because they have no actual school days left anymore, just the final exams.
They dress up in different types of costumes, circle different schools in trucks and throw candy to all the younger pupils.
Well, I joined the party crowd, even though I'm not finishing school yet. (Due to my laziness I'll be stuck in senior high for one more year.)
I was dressed up as a German maiden. I thought my costume kicked ass. I had these breeches and a frock. And in addition to them, I had a blonde wig with two long braids. Oh yeah, and of course a pint! (German people out there reading this, don't get offended. I love Germany, I've actually been wanting to visit there for a long time.)
In the morning we had a champagne breakfast at the school. So I naturally insisted to drink my glass of champagne (well, actually it was just plain sparkling wine) from my pint. And so I did. I also got a few amused looks by the others students at lunchtime, when I marched on the lunch line with my pint. However, the attendants who had been hired to our school to watch that the students don't get completely trashed and start puking all over the school were quite suspicious about my pint.
Well, here's a picture of me. My friend took it at the champagne breakfast.
After the candy throwing me and my friend went to downtown. We still had our costumes on, so you probably can imagine that we raised attention.
In the evening we went to a bar, but I only drank 2 bottles of cider because I was supposed to go to school today. And going to school when you're hungover is just simply horrible.
I danced so much that my feet and back still hurt!
Well I didn't get myself to wake up before 7.30 am, so I missed my first class. And then I realized that the second class is cancelled and the third one I have free. That only leaves the last one and I have gymnastics then. I don't think I'm going to go there, I'll just compensate it by going to an extra gym class some other day.
So I have the whole day off. I'm thinking of going to Helsinki for a little shopping spree.
Tomorrow I'm going out. I persuaded two of my friends to go to a nightclub with me. I'm in the mood for a lot more dancing! (And a lot more drinking.)