After several discussions with the principal, guidance counselor and a teacher of mine, we have finally come to an agreement. I will drop out of high school and maybe continue my high school studies later as adult education.
But I'll be there until the end of this school year and finish my matriculation examinations at autumn. I won't really graduate because I'm missing like almost...
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Is it possible to laugh so much you die? Hope not, though it probably wouldn't be a bad way to die. But if it is possible, then I certainly put one of my friends in serious danger today when telling about that little fork incident. I'm pretty sure the whole school heard that laughter. And our school is pretty big.
The wall seems to have...
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oink biggrin
Oh my god, I can't stop laughing. biggrin
I'm still furious.
Friday night I stabbed a fork to the kitchen wall. I kinda got a little angry (okay, that might be a bit of an understatement).
But for now I'm just going to put that IDIOT out of my mind.

I'm feeling very creative.

I think I finally did it. I finally came up with a perfect photo set theme. It's brilliant, even...
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Temper temper a woman with a little fire in her heart is so sexy. Can't wait to see the set, it sounds like you have it all planned out. Can't really give you any suggestions on what tattoo to get. If you do go for a Dragonfly then go for one of the two sexiest spots on a woman. The small of the back or in between the shoulderblades. That or a succession of small Dragonflies going around your bellybutton, that would be cool.
Heh, mental image of you attacking a poor defenceless wall with a fork is quite hilarious. biggrin
Sorry to hear someone upset you though frown
Yesterday I realized I have to do something. This morning I woke up and thought, "this is the day".
It's do or die. Tonight I'm going to make things happen.
Wish me luck! smile
go girl! good luck biggrin
hey hows it goin? man , too many people on this planet, think its all about them... i think its a new social disease, pop idol itis.. or sumthin.. i think u have to do your best to let these people alone!! lol
im off to have my own journal rant about someone not too different..........

have a good one biggrin biggrin
I'm becoming a hermit. The only time I've left from the house since Saturday was yesterday. And all I did was go to rent a huge pile of movies.

Soon I won't even remember how to act among other people and I'll just be jumping on tables, scratching my armpits and shouting "ugh-ugh-ugh". Actually, that could be fun. Maybe I should try that sometime.

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love love love

eehm... blush will you be my friend??

Get better soon!
Good to hear you are feeling better man. Yeah it doesn't really get too cold here cept lately, the weather's been funny. It's bad to be sick but when you recover quickly it's better than being layed out for like a week or two not able to do a damn thing.
Thanks to all of you who welcomed me to SG.com! smile

So yesterday we had this day ("penkkarit") when all the last year students of senior highs just party because they have no actual school days left anymore, just the final exams.
They dress up in different types of costumes, circle different schools in trucks and throw candy to all the younger pupils.
Well, I joined...
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Yay! I got my member account. I'm in love with SuicideGirls.

Oh yeah. So what's my story? I stumbled upon SG on some misty autumn day a long time ago, in some random way. Fell in love. But I was underaged, so... To make a long story short, that same day I decided that I would become a SuicideGirl. I haven't managed to do that...
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You are cute smile I hope you will become a SuicideGirl some day smile
Welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay with us.