"I ran, through the trees and the woods, chasing after you."
Gathering. Was. Dope.
I'm still adjusting to being in back iin the real world. It's a whole different mentality at the Gathering. Gotta bunch of fresh ass pictures, hopefully I can get them developed soon.
Kings show today was lso fresh. It's always the shit to see the Kings.
I'm gonn cut my hair. Right now it's bout down to my shoulders. I'm cutting it down to abount an inch long.
Guess I'm goin to Kings Island Saturday.
I wanna see Sherry.
"Remember me as if I never went away, because I'll see you all another day."
Gathering. Was. Dope.
I'm still adjusting to being in back iin the real world. It's a whole different mentality at the Gathering. Gotta bunch of fresh ass pictures, hopefully I can get them developed soon.
Kings show today was lso fresh. It's always the shit to see the Kings.
I'm gonn cut my hair. Right now it's bout down to my shoulders. I'm cutting it down to abount an inch long.
Guess I'm goin to Kings Island Saturday.
I wanna see Sherry.
"Remember me as if I never went away, because I'll see you all another day."

Long time no talk. Hope things are well for you.