My boss told me the other day that they're gonna centralize the telemarketing department of our club, and if the other telemarketers and myself don't start pulling in better numbers, we're out of a job. Looks like I'm goin to Fed-Ex. I can pass a drug screen now, its good pay and all the benefits. Sweeeeeeeeeet. I'd have to work 2-8 am. Gonn fuck up my sleeping and drinking routine. Oh well.
Saw her on Friday. Went over there helped her pack and had to listen to some stale-ass country music. Oh yea, and we made out. But that pretty much goes without saying.
She slept over at my house, but we didn't do anything besides kiss because its that time of the month. So nice to wake up and see her there.
Yesterday, cleaned out the basement. There was an old desk we smashed with a sledgehammer. I love destroying things. I busted my thumb open, so for a while I was smashing it one handed. Later we went to the drive in and saw Spider-man 2(again), and Dodgeball. Dodgeball is so fucking retarded its hysterical. GO BALLS DEEP!!!
Afterwards, we came back to the crib, drank some Crown and had a wrestling match. I kicked ass, of course.
My back is fuckin killin me. But thats the price you pay. It was fun.
Pay Per View tonight.
Gathering THIS weekend.

Saw her on Friday. Went over there helped her pack and had to listen to some stale-ass country music. Oh yea, and we made out. But that pretty much goes without saying.

Yesterday, cleaned out the basement. There was an old desk we smashed with a sledgehammer. I love destroying things. I busted my thumb open, so for a while I was smashing it one handed. Later we went to the drive in and saw Spider-man 2(again), and Dodgeball. Dodgeball is so fucking retarded its hysterical. GO BALLS DEEP!!!
Afterwards, we came back to the crib, drank some Crown and had a wrestling match. I kicked ass, of course.

Pay Per View tonight.
Gathering THIS weekend.

Destroying things pwns your soul.

peggy: name. Pass it on.