Everyone read this. It just might concern you.
Seven things I want to do before I die:
1) Travel the world
2) Perform in front of an audience of at least 2500
3) Get a record deal
4) Write a screenplay
5) Have sex for 24 hours straight
6) Find a woman worth marrying
7) Give George W. Bush a stink palm
Seven things I can not do:
1) Quit smoking (staaaaaaaaaaale)
2) Type fast
3) Back flips (you should see it when I try)
4) Cut back on how much TV I watch
5) Talk to women effectively
6) Wake up early
7) Draw
Seven things that attract me to the US:
1) Freedom of religion
2) My friends are here
3) Grand Canyon
4) The room for improvement
5) I can find pretty good pot here.
6) It makes good flicks
7) Opportunity to give George W. Bush a stink palm
Seven things I say most often:
1) Thats right
2) Know about it
3) Sweeeeeeet
4) Fucko
5) Talkin shit?
6) I cant help chicks just throw themselves at me.
7) Yea, Im right here (in response to, There is a God!)
Seven books (or series) that I love:
1) Tommyknockers Stephen King
2) Hagakure - Yamamoto Tsunetomo
3) The Ear, The Eye, and The Arm Nancy Farmer
4) Behind the Paint - ICP
5) Red Dragon Thomas Harris
6) Green Lantern (Its a series!)
7) Anything by Alan Moore
Seven movies I watch(ed) over and over again:
1) House of 1000 Corpses
2) The Devils Rejects
3) Sin City
4) The Matrix Trilogy
5) Donnie Darko
6) SG: The First Tour
7) Dogma
Seven People chosen at random to take this:
J24U, cidrock, hathor, Andrew77uk, hollowvalentine, sminks, and thepixy.
Seven things I want to do before I die:
1) Travel the world
2) Perform in front of an audience of at least 2500
3) Get a record deal
4) Write a screenplay
5) Have sex for 24 hours straight
6) Find a woman worth marrying
7) Give George W. Bush a stink palm
Seven things I can not do:
1) Quit smoking (staaaaaaaaaaale)
2) Type fast
3) Back flips (you should see it when I try)
4) Cut back on how much TV I watch
5) Talk to women effectively
6) Wake up early
7) Draw
Seven things that attract me to the US:
1) Freedom of religion
2) My friends are here
3) Grand Canyon
4) The room for improvement
5) I can find pretty good pot here.
6) It makes good flicks
7) Opportunity to give George W. Bush a stink palm
Seven things I say most often:
1) Thats right
2) Know about it
3) Sweeeeeeet
4) Fucko
5) Talkin shit?
6) I cant help chicks just throw themselves at me.
7) Yea, Im right here (in response to, There is a God!)
Seven books (or series) that I love:
1) Tommyknockers Stephen King
2) Hagakure - Yamamoto Tsunetomo
3) The Ear, The Eye, and The Arm Nancy Farmer
4) Behind the Paint - ICP
5) Red Dragon Thomas Harris
6) Green Lantern (Its a series!)
7) Anything by Alan Moore
Seven movies I watch(ed) over and over again:
1) House of 1000 Corpses
2) The Devils Rejects
3) Sin City
4) The Matrix Trilogy
5) Donnie Darko
6) SG: The First Tour
7) Dogma
Seven People chosen at random to take this:
J24U, cidrock, hathor, Andrew77uk, hollowvalentine, sminks, and thepixy.
no, of course they aren't all bad, just some of the members i've found to be a bit stuck up..just reading through forums. it puts me off the site a little bit.xx