Whatsup SGer's? How ya been? Oh me? Well I've been better. I slip more and more towards the darkness EVERYDAY. Yea, I do. It's quite nifty, actually. I dunno why I'm writing. No one's gonna read this. In fact, I'm gonna use this time to air my displeasure with a certain "people" right now:
*begin sarcasm*
I hate white people.
*end sarcasm*
Just so we're clear, I am a cracker myself. Self-loathing all the fuckin way, bitches!!!
I need a goddam job. Now. I'm not gonna be able to pay my rent next month. Fuck me with cactus, that's gonna suck. I'll have to move back in with my parents. Noooooooo.
If you believe in a deity of any sort, do me a favor and ask It to cut me some fuckin slack, and point me in the direction of employment.
*begin sarcasm*
I hate white people.
*end sarcasm*
Just so we're clear, I am a cracker myself. Self-loathing all the fuckin way, bitches!!!
I need a goddam job. Now. I'm not gonna be able to pay my rent next month. Fuck me with cactus, that's gonna suck. I'll have to move back in with my parents. Noooooooo.
If you believe in a deity of any sort, do me a favor and ask It to cut me some fuckin slack, and point me in the direction of employment.