"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, I CAN CRY IF I WANT TO" hahaha though no crying today hopefully...I am turning 27 today...for some reason it makes me feel old...I know I am still at the beginning years of my life but yeah...no more upset craziness today. I am relaxing and going to see Prometheus today then having a nice dinner with my family. My boyfriend is making me a cake since we are both broke but that is fine with me.
I will also post pictures of awesome birthday gifts I got from people here...<3 you all are amazing and thank you for all your well wishes from my last post. It really did make me feel better.
~Nuka <3
I will also post pictures of awesome birthday gifts I got from people here...<3 you all are amazing and thank you for all your well wishes from my last post. It really did make me feel better.
~Nuka <3
Happy super belated birthday hun.
I slipped by before I slip away for good this time. You deserve a break. Perhaps you are owed a break. It will come (hopefully soon) and hopefully it is huge payback. Be very specific about what you want and then set about getting it. But be specific... or your life will end up like mine---close but not always really quite what I meant or intended. You can do anything you set your mind to accomplish. It just might be harder work than you thought. I wish I had more than words to support you with. At least there is one more soul in the world willing you past living with parents, past inappropriate posting pervs and past needing employment that isn't your dream job. My fingers is crossed for you. Hope the cake the boy made was fantastic!