It's sooo windy! Yesterday my boyfriend and I biked to the city centre airport to go to a craft fair. There's this pretty awesome bike path that goes for a bit; going there was a breeze(well the wind was with us that's for sure). Coming back was a pain in the ass, we were pedalling against the wind it was like trying to bike up a hill. This weekend I partied with the family. My parents, my cousin, her mom and step dad, her fiancee, a friend of the family and her son, one of my friends and my boyfriend were all over in my tiny house on Friday. It was pretty awesome though because my mom and my aunt had bought the food(cooking for lots of people, is easy breezy for them) my cousin's fiancee is a chef and he bar-b-qued the steaks to awesomeness and everyone brought booze. Except for my cousin, because she has a little fetus! So lots of great food, and my friend and my aunt's husband played some tunes on the guitar and we all sang along. It was like being back home in Nova Scotia having a kitchen party. Last night we just gathered at a vietnamese restaurant and all had super together. I love hanging out the family but organizing that many strong personalities can be a challenge.
Lately I have been getting pictures ready for the art walk I can't draw very well so it's all abstract, with lots of colours! I think after being a server for so many years and having to wear black, my soul has rebelled against the shade and I love colourful anything. I don't even like wearing black pants anymore.
This summer I am in charge of a three week theatre camp in fort mac. I can't say I have been in charge of anything. I find it a bit intimidating, but I think it could be lots of fun working with these kids. The chances of me getting bit are also minimal which is also a bonus. The money is also KICK ASS! Almost 30$ an hour! Woot woot!
Lately I have been getting pictures ready for the art walk I can't draw very well so it's all abstract, with lots of colours! I think after being a server for so many years and having to wear black, my soul has rebelled against the shade and I love colourful anything. I don't even like wearing black pants anymore.
This summer I am in charge of a three week theatre camp in fort mac. I can't say I have been in charge of anything. I find it a bit intimidating, but I think it could be lots of fun working with these kids. The chances of me getting bit are also minimal which is also a bonus. The money is also KICK ASS! Almost 30$ an hour! Woot woot!