Most of the leaves are off the trees. Soon will become the winter of my discontent. Winter is always too long. Not much going around here. Just keeping busy doing the everyday routine. Yesterday it was 2 years since me and the boy been dating. He made homemade pizza(with homemade sauce and everything!) and we had a good bottle of Malbec. This past Saturday the weather was AMAZING! We spent most of the day biking around the town outside. This coming weekend we will be going to middle of nowhere Alberta(Acadia Valley, it's on the boarder of Saskatchewan) It's worth the drive for the family feast. Yesterday we picked up a collar for the cat. HE's still getting used to it, he is not attacking his tag so much anymore. He is a registered cat, he has a micro chip in his ear. We let him outside, so if anyone does think he is lost they will realize that he is just the neighbourhood cat and that is isn't lost. My next life I most definitely want to come as a cat. To laze in the sun without a care in the world. To get pet and loved and chase the occasional mouse and carve the furniture to a raggedy mess. That's the life for me.
Winters there *do* last too long - and this is from someone who has always loved Winter. I remember everything looking so dead and brown, when things weren't blinding white from all the snow. Hopefully you, your man and your kitteh will be warm and happy inside all season long