The first few days of school were nuts. There was a kid who put EVERYTHING in his mouth. He really needed one to one care so he got moved centres which he could be better accommodated. Good thing for us, those first two days of school were NUTS. Now it's busy but not so crazy. The kids are all pretty awesome. One kid liked to lick the play dough, she even licked her shoe that had been stepped in play dough. ewww, I just kinds stared at her for a second before one of the other Teacher's assistant said anything. This past thursday I started a stained glass class. I suck at it, but I still like it. Saturday I did a acrylic workshop which gave me some ideas on the potential of working with the material. And today me and the boyfriend sold our books to a used book store and spent half of it on other books.
Last week I had a cold, man that was brutal. I would come home from work and hide underneath the covers until supper and then I wouldn't do very much until I had to go to work the next day. Those cold meds sure do fuck you up though, they make me all anxious and shit. I had a drink of gin before bed, that should ease the mind. nothing like mixing up your drugs.
Last week I had a cold, man that was brutal. I would come home from work and hide underneath the covers until supper and then I wouldn't do very much until I had to go to work the next day. Those cold meds sure do fuck you up though, they make me all anxious and shit. I had a drink of gin before bed, that should ease the mind. nothing like mixing up your drugs.
I think we have had a cold run through our house at the beginning of every school year since my daughter started preschool. Germy, germy, germy little things, kids.