A few things that I think are AWESOME
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Of course the comic book is better but the movie was pretty sweet
The Black Keys new cd, very much digging it
Not so awesome is that my mac is being stupid but it's still on warranty so I should get it tomorrow all nice and fixed. I also left my cell phone on the bus this morning, when I called it the bus driver had it. It's going into lost and found and I should get it in a few days. The best thing about having crappy cell phones is that no one wants to steal them and I'm pretty terrible at keeping track of my phone. They are basically boomerangs, I lose them and I get them back. Pretty lucky.
My cat is rad
the end
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Of course the comic book is better but the movie was pretty sweet
The Black Keys new cd, very much digging it
Not so awesome is that my mac is being stupid but it's still on warranty so I should get it tomorrow all nice and fixed. I also left my cell phone on the bus this morning, when I called it the bus driver had it. It's going into lost and found and I should get it in a few days. The best thing about having crappy cell phones is that no one wants to steal them and I'm pretty terrible at keeping track of my phone. They are basically boomerangs, I lose them and I get them back. Pretty lucky.
My cat is rad
the end