My last day of Summer vacation and it was a BEAUTIFUL DAY! I spent most of it outside so not to waste the good weather. Summer in the city has been fairly rainy which is good for my tomatoes but not so interesting for yours truly. I'm not sure what to expect tomorrow. I imagine it won't be that stressful nor entertaining as the kids don't start until next week. I bought a yellow marker today.
More Blogs
Friday Aug 16, 2013
FRINGE fringe fringe, fringey fringey fringe -
Friday Aug 02, 2013
So taking a 3d picture would e cool if I could actually view it in 3d… -
Thursday Aug 01, 2013
When I was a kid the summer vacation seemed to be so long. Now they g… -
Friday Jul 26, 2013
I <3 The Idea Channel -
Monday Jul 22, 2013
I just love summer so much. -
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Nope, nothing insightful here -
Saturday Jun 15, 2013
I'm getting older. Some of my 20's is written in here. Don't want to… -
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
it's been really hot and toasty around here. Not much going on. I get… -
Sunday Jul 08, 2012
Did i use to have a more interesting life or was it more illusional f… -
Friday Jun 29, 2012
Turned 30 and school is done for the summer. One month of working ha…