ketchup time, which is completely different than peanut butter jelly time.
I got back from a short stint out in LA on Friday, where I was looking for an apartment. Yes, I found a pretty sweet place that is exactly 1.5 miles away from my job (according to Google Maps.. which I would not have been able to find anything without).
1.5 miles. That is fucking sick. and I getta discount because of my straight and narrow credit score.
I'm shipping all of my shit out there on the 30th, but they're saying it's gonna take a week or two to arrive, so I'm probably gonna hafta live in a hotel and rental car for a short period of time before my crap arrives. That's ok though, because the hotel they put me up in is fucking sweet. It had this shower that was like a god damned fire hose. it ruled my ass.
My last day at work is Thursday, and it couldn't come sooner. They're throwing me a little going away thing that night, (lovesome, will I see you? Check your store's email from Sunday).
I kinda made a new friend when I was in CA. I walked into the closest Hot Topic and started talking to their Store Manager. Turns out, she used to work at the same store I'm in now, and knows a lot of people I work with and have worked with through the years. Pretty sweet. Supposta go dancing with her and her girls on Indie nights (Wednesday) in LA. I wonder if the club scene will rule? probably. yay for people who are willing to show me the ropes!
so.. what now? I'd like to say thank you to viva_seandave and redlips_redeyes for throwing some sweet parties this weekend. next weekend = beach!
peace out homies. oh, and I should put a picture. here was the view from my hotel room.

I got back from a short stint out in LA on Friday, where I was looking for an apartment. Yes, I found a pretty sweet place that is exactly 1.5 miles away from my job (according to Google Maps.. which I would not have been able to find anything without).
1.5 miles. That is fucking sick. and I getta discount because of my straight and narrow credit score.
I'm shipping all of my shit out there on the 30th, but they're saying it's gonna take a week or two to arrive, so I'm probably gonna hafta live in a hotel and rental car for a short period of time before my crap arrives. That's ok though, because the hotel they put me up in is fucking sweet. It had this shower that was like a god damned fire hose. it ruled my ass.
My last day at work is Thursday, and it couldn't come sooner. They're throwing me a little going away thing that night, (lovesome, will I see you? Check your store's email from Sunday).
I kinda made a new friend when I was in CA. I walked into the closest Hot Topic and started talking to their Store Manager. Turns out, she used to work at the same store I'm in now, and knows a lot of people I work with and have worked with through the years. Pretty sweet. Supposta go dancing with her and her girls on Indie nights (Wednesday) in LA. I wonder if the club scene will rule? probably. yay for people who are willing to show me the ropes!
so.. what now? I'd like to say thank you to viva_seandave and redlips_redeyes for throwing some sweet parties this weekend. next weekend = beach!
peace out homies. oh, and I should put a picture. here was the view from my hotel room.

It was good to see you again before you left.