OK So I started drinking at lunch yesterday, ran the gammet, then off to Gators for pool and a pitcher, each. then new earrings, haven't worn any in a while. Some dumb squid grabbed at 'em and they hurt for a while but I had some beefy ones put in that are fairly tight and fat, didn't feel a thing putting them in though, go...
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someone use from NOFUCK VAGINA rock on just wanted to say hey
you should post the pics that you took at coyote the other day in the SGVA group!
A bottle of red, A bottle of White.....
And Gmac is buugered up. Should be sleeping 'Cause I have to work all night in 6 Hrs or so.... whatever ....I am sure I'll sleep sound, but will I wake?! Again whatever and I'll keep the lights on for all you crazy's out there! surreal
mmmmm, sleep sounds nice.
and thanks for the advice. unfortunately this time, i got myself in too deep.
happy new year! and please no puke
nah I'm working at a fetish store now! bye bye corporate world.... actually I'm more doing this to give me time to get into business school - but its going to be fun! (and the discount I'll get at the fetish store? man I'm in t-r-o-u-b-l-e!) biggrin
Fire Drill today! What fun! Nothing like pumpin' up at the end of the day! I love it they go all out with the lights and fans and props its great!

Beautiful day yesterday, got home in the AM and got a ton of things done, some visiting, some car & truck work, yard work and even slept thinking I'll do more tomorrow...

Rain. Crap....
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As the holidays wind down and the overtime relaxes, vacations come to a close; I am looking forward to a long weekend and a nice 40 hour work-week!

I did enjoy plenty of fellowship amongst the brief Santa stops and such. It is easy to find that at work as well since it is always filled with people of the same fate. All is well...
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Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!...I'll be at work, keeping the lights on frown surreal
Damn, Threat level set to High according to the Dept of Homeland Security, saw that on FoxNews, and according to the System Operator in RVA, I took that call (basically told him....DUH). Then Got the call From the VA Emergency Operations Center who was just checkin in to see if we knew...they were really just creeped out that the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commish) sent them...
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Yuk, been soo lame this weekend, I haven't felt well and hae been very run down. Totally meant to go shopping these last couple of days but have accomplished nothing but some rather needed R&R--good-- some reading--good--and some down home get together hanging out. Missed Kiefer's last night though )-: next time then.
hey hun - just wanted to let you know your rope is shipping out tomorrow! I'm taking it to the post office myself smile
Silly boys with guns!

Smart boy meets girl, girl is not smart but eager to learn. Not dumb, just ignorant and not so fortunate as the smart boy.

Smart boy has a hard time keeping the young girl entertained, smart boy gets jelous and stupid when the dumb boy entertains the young ignorant girl. Smarty pants runs his mouth at the dumb boy and 'rescues'...
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It's practically a fable.
I've played with J. Wiesman, well actually I was his bondage demo model for a workshop.
Ugh, called in today... no not hung over, just couldn't stand for getting out of a warm bed in good company and trek out into the cold. I hate to do that to my people but they all love work and I love life instead. I know we all need to earn a living etc but thankless efforts are not my cup of 'jo!

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Still working to figure out the ropes(no pun intended) I figured out the chat and getting into the boards but not sure about groups...Up for work in 4 hours though...Trans Siberian Orchestra tonight! Fun times, in Hampton though, hope the seating is good. surreal