Ack, What a day off, pish posh. Store #3 opening is delayed yet another day, this time only is it not our fault. We don't have a lease tee hee. But that means that we can be held liable for the property as the property owners change hands,
. They had nothing to do with why our F*ing Signs all came out purple instead of good ol'e USA Blue!!!
I have a clue as to why and it comes down to our graphics guy and the way his PC software is set up. I watched some printing and strangely it came out purple.........I guess it wasn't the ink cartridge after all.........Hmmmmmm
Doh! Back to work today, trek out to the plant today, bluh.
All Right who saw Meltdown on Fx this weekend?
I hate how the bitch ass bleeding hearts tell me how we should shut all nukes down because they generate a FUCKING 'POTENTIAL' threat. No one person knows what is going to happen. The twin towers weren't built with the Idea that they would become a weapon. Well Nuke plants were, I know, I am there every day. Woe be the dumb jackass that tries anything there. There are over 30 armed roving officers there at all times they are outfitted like seal team 6, and are around every corner all the time. "Run and I won't kill you" Whatever!!! There would be some trigger happy good ol'e boys & Girls lettin' the lead fly if there were any freaks inside the plant.
Then the publicity stirs up the ne'er do well's who start pumping out letters of crap to the higher up in the Gov'mnt and such and start spewing facts and figures that were based on scientific speculation 15+ years ago, Whatever. You freaks out there who really believe that a Gas fired plant is better for the environment than a nuke plant are beyond me. If you want to pay for all the solar and wind and wave power you want go right ahead I love that stuff but guess what Nuclear Power is cheaper than coal!!! It is cheaper to operate within all the Fucked up regulations we do and still put out higher capacity factors than any other form of generation. So Down winders, and Star and PFTMI and all you other ignorant whiny Jag offs go away, try paying attention to your kids and teaching them do something worth while for our country, get involved with your offspring and what they do. Stop screaming about things that might affect you and yours to a negligible extent IF something terribly bad were to happen and try keeping your kids filthy sneaky hands out of our stores, off my lawn, teach them that recreation is fine but it is earned with responsibility, respect.
Yeah do you really think your kids respect you for being an activist for something they can't see when you haven't looked at their report card in years, or haven't asked them about why they got drunk at home with their friends while you were out at a 'march on the Nuke Plant' at the capitol building.
Wake up America, we are the new generation, how about the new energy policy is , 'let the assholes make money and keep my bills down, Let me spend some time and energy on my friends and family'
NUFF Said sorry for the run on, not in the mood for grammar.

I have a clue as to why and it comes down to our graphics guy and the way his PC software is set up. I watched some printing and strangely it came out purple.........I guess it wasn't the ink cartridge after all.........Hmmmmmm
Doh! Back to work today, trek out to the plant today, bluh.
All Right who saw Meltdown on Fx this weekend?

I hate how the bitch ass bleeding hearts tell me how we should shut all nukes down because they generate a FUCKING 'POTENTIAL' threat. No one person knows what is going to happen. The twin towers weren't built with the Idea that they would become a weapon. Well Nuke plants were, I know, I am there every day. Woe be the dumb jackass that tries anything there. There are over 30 armed roving officers there at all times they are outfitted like seal team 6, and are around every corner all the time. "Run and I won't kill you" Whatever!!! There would be some trigger happy good ol'e boys & Girls lettin' the lead fly if there were any freaks inside the plant.
Then the publicity stirs up the ne'er do well's who start pumping out letters of crap to the higher up in the Gov'mnt and such and start spewing facts and figures that were based on scientific speculation 15+ years ago, Whatever. You freaks out there who really believe that a Gas fired plant is better for the environment than a nuke plant are beyond me. If you want to pay for all the solar and wind and wave power you want go right ahead I love that stuff but guess what Nuclear Power is cheaper than coal!!! It is cheaper to operate within all the Fucked up regulations we do and still put out higher capacity factors than any other form of generation. So Down winders, and Star and PFTMI and all you other ignorant whiny Jag offs go away, try paying attention to your kids and teaching them do something worth while for our country, get involved with your offspring and what they do. Stop screaming about things that might affect you and yours to a negligible extent IF something terribly bad were to happen and try keeping your kids filthy sneaky hands out of our stores, off my lawn, teach them that recreation is fine but it is earned with responsibility, respect.
Yeah do you really think your kids respect you for being an activist for something they can't see when you haven't looked at their report card in years, or haven't asked them about why they got drunk at home with their friends while you were out at a 'march on the Nuke Plant' at the capitol building.
Wake up America, we are the new generation, how about the new energy policy is , 'let the assholes make money and keep my bills down, Let me spend some time and energy on my friends and family'
NUFF Said sorry for the run on, not in the mood for grammar.

ps - you said pish posh. That's hot. hee