Nightshift....Shifty indeed...Things are very odd and all are on edge, I am a bit apathetic to it all with more on my mind than just work. I need to know how to deal with some close individuals as I buy into their business. How do you say to someone shady that if I help them out they have to give up all control. won't that just spawn more shadiness?
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 30, 2008
Cheers to all who happen by, I am busy trying to get the Feds to give… -
Wednesday Sep 07, 2005
I Guess its time for the quarterly update, Late for that too, whats n… -
Tuesday May 24, 2005
Hello all, now that it is warming up I long for the cooler weather. … -
Tuesday Mar 15, 2005
Whaaat's Happeniiing? I wish I I wish I wish I was back in my hamm… -
Tuesday Nov 23, 2004
Just popped in to say Ha'dy Do and Check on Yu'ns. I am way to busy … -
Saturday Oct 09, 2004
OK, WOW, I have really been away a long time. I have been subjected … -
Friday Aug 27, 2004
Missed hearing from you all, look forward to catching up and seeing t… -
Wednesday Jun 30, 2004
Ah Back from Belize!!! Ambergris Caye, north eastern shore, Belize… -
Monday Jun 21, 2004
MMMM Back from PA, What a lovely place to visit, if I ever wanted to … -
Wednesday Jun 16, 2004
Woo Hoo!!!!! The only thing 'bout working for the perverbial 'Man'…
Primus? Where are they playing? North of Roanoke I'm sure. It's a little bit easier for me to catch a band in North Carolina.
Actually, I believe they are playing here in Charlotte. But, I will have moved back to Roanoke, VA by then. I'm not sure what the future holds for me (job wise) after I move to VA. I got some things in the works.
take care~