OK So I started drinking at lunch yesterday, ran the gammet, then off to Gators for pool and a pitcher, each. then new earrings, haven't worn any in a while. Some dumb squid grabbed at 'em and they hurt for a while but I had some beefy ones put in that are fairly tight and fat, didn't feel a thing putting them in though, go figure! (-:
Came home had a couple more frosty ones and crashed then woke up at 330 in the blessed AM dehydrated as hell!!! So here I am surfing away hydrating and so on. quality surfing though, Checked out the SMART car, european but very cool looking, checked out some Philly locals sites, very spiffy, learned a bit about how they screwed up my furnace and how a thermo-pyle works.....
P.S. I should be meeting a bunch of local SG'ers tonight at rockinricky's B-day party ...Sweetness
Came home had a couple more frosty ones and crashed then woke up at 330 in the blessed AM dehydrated as hell!!! So here I am surfing away hydrating and so on. quality surfing though, Checked out the SMART car, european but very cool looking, checked out some Philly locals sites, very spiffy, learned a bit about how they screwed up my furnace and how a thermo-pyle works.....
P.S. I should be meeting a bunch of local SG'ers tonight at rockinricky's B-day party ...Sweetness
someone use from NOFUCK VAGINA rock on just wanted to say hey
you should post the pics that you took at coyote the other day in the SGVA group!