It takes a family to raise a child well, that may be you and the nanny, your best friend and their kids, Your grandparents, their grandparents... etc. Be a family, not just a parent.
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Thursday May 02, 2013
Lunch in the mountains of TN and last call at the ocean front in VA B… -
Monday Jul 12, 2010
Let people help you, not because you need help or can't do it, but be… -
Wednesday Feb 24, 2010
Love and be loved, instead of only loving or just being loved. -
Tuesday Jan 26, 2010
It takes a family to raise a child well, that may be you and the nann… -
Friday Jan 15, 2010
What I am learning is it takes more than being pleasant to be respect… -
Saturday Oct 24, 2009
It is a great day, I am my sons Father. Thats good enough for me. -
Wednesday Oct 14, 2009
By a little hard work and concentration the grass is greener on my si… -
Tuesday Oct 13, 2009
Be excellent to each other. - B. S. Preston, esquire -
Wednesday Oct 07, 2009
So its not all doom and gloom, it is what you make it.... For reading… -
Sunday Oct 04, 2009
Collaboration is key they say that none of us are as dumb as all of u…