Collaboration, your success begets my success. I give not in the hope of receiving, but in the hope that it will be a better day for all of us. It is a teamwork concept, do you get it?
More Blogs
Friday Apr 16, 2004
Allow me to let out a Turbo HEEEEELLLLS YEEAAAA!!! The weekend i… -
Tuesday Apr 13, 2004
Ugh, 22 hours alert, now I just don't want to go to bed. Hard to s… -
Sunday Apr 11, 2004
Damn ADDnothing better than wasting a whole journal entry and feeling… -
Friday Apr 09, 2004
So things are well, people are learning to cope and learn from each o… -
Monday Apr 05, 2004
Repost (plus commentary): OK so I can not be the only consevative fr… -
Sunday Apr 04, 2004
Work this! I am slowly finding just the good things about work, they… -
Friday Apr 02, 2004
So I am Mr. Gabe to all my employees, is it bad that I dislike it....… -
Saturday Mar 27, 2004 it the girl who has ones heart, or the boy who has his… -
Sunday Mar 21, 2004
Piss I just crapped out my whole entry!!!! Oh well I said all that… -
Thursday Mar 18, 2004
So I have been in to the new store all week, I can not obviously chan…