Hey everyone. I'm married. Hah! The fiance and I finally did it. Been in town since Monday and have just been swamped. Miss everyone and hope the Christmas, Channukah, Kwanza, Winter Solstice and New Years were excelente.
P.S. Buddha check this out.
Making Love in Poetry
(after Andre Breton)
by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
In a war where every second counts / Time drops to the ground / like a shadow from a tree / under which we lie / in a wood boat built from it / by an unknown carpenter beyond the sea / upon which peach pits float / fired by a gunner who has ran out of ammunition / for a cannon whose muzzle bites hearshaped holes / out of the horizon of our flesh / stunned in sun and baffled into silence / between the act of sex / and the act of poetry / at the moment of loving and coming / there is no glimpsing of / the misery of the world
P.S. Buddha check this out.
Making Love in Poetry
(after Andre Breton)
by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
In a war where every second counts / Time drops to the ground / like a shadow from a tree / under which we lie / in a wood boat built from it / by an unknown carpenter beyond the sea / upon which peach pits float / fired by a gunner who has ran out of ammunition / for a cannon whose muzzle bites hearshaped holes / out of the horizon of our flesh / stunned in sun and baffled into silence / between the act of sex / and the act of poetry / at the moment of loving and coming / there is no glimpsing of / the misery of the world
Will you and the wife be attending the burlesque show?
Congratulations bro!!!
Wow! That's great man. Well I hope you both have a wonderful marriage! Salud! Salud! Salud!
We just played for a wedding this past Saturday. I sing Sabor A Mi everytime to the maximome!