Dude! It's so cold! I can't imagine how miserable the rest of the us is right now, if I'm cold here in CA! Global warming turned ice age! Fuuuuuuck I'm trying to get to a good spot today to take pics of the snow, it's so rare! haha
So more than ever I feel the urgency to move out of this country, which is nothing new for me. But the big question is where to go? Some place warm.... and soon, like in the next yr or two the latest. Not really running from anything, cuz I don't think it maters where one is, we are all feeling the stress of the changes happening right now. But anywhere seems better to me than the US.... and I really don't want to be here when things get worse, as in no food and water or electricity, and crazy ass people running around with loaded guns.... and swat teams with tear gas and F.E.M.A. camps, no thanks. I know I sound full of doomsday, but it's whats been on my mind lately more than ever.
Where would you guys go? I haven't traveled too much out of the US, Mexico when I was a kid and Jamaica in 2009, and Jamaica was awesome, but idk if that's a good place to live? Probably better than here, lol
I wish I had more time for modeling right now, I'm going through withdraws! Here's some pics from a shoot in December, I'm still getting images back. If I get my house put back together soon, I can do some photography myself.... I better get to cleaning!
Too bad modeling doesn't pay more, cuz I do love it! I don't have time to hustle like a model has to in order to make money in this industry. And a lot if hustling it takes! You never know though right? Freakin cops will change your life, comin in the front door yelling, yup things will never be quite the same, heh heh. I am feeling a little better about it all day by day, ever the positive one, even when I'm like everything fucked, I know it'll be ok. And as my horoscope keeps telling me, just go with the flow and don't fight the change. The shock has worn off a bit, so now I can think without feeling pissed off. Plus I cleaned my closet last night, so that always helps right?
I so wish that my bf was feeling better about things though, watching someone you love drown themselves in alcohol sucks, and it's so not helping our current financial stresses. Plus being drunk just puts him in an even more sour mood, which makes me annoyed, and the cycle continues. I don't know what to do about it really, he just gets mad if I say it's not helping. I know from having an alcoholic father, that it's only up to the user to stop using ( my father was also into heavy drugs, like cocaine and speed) Ugh! Blah blah stressful blah blah blah
If your still reading this, just laugh with me, ok. It's really not so bad right?
So more than ever I feel the urgency to move out of this country, which is nothing new for me. But the big question is where to go? Some place warm.... and soon, like in the next yr or two the latest. Not really running from anything, cuz I don't think it maters where one is, we are all feeling the stress of the changes happening right now. But anywhere seems better to me than the US.... and I really don't want to be here when things get worse, as in no food and water or electricity, and crazy ass people running around with loaded guns.... and swat teams with tear gas and F.E.M.A. camps, no thanks. I know I sound full of doomsday, but it's whats been on my mind lately more than ever.
Where would you guys go? I haven't traveled too much out of the US, Mexico when I was a kid and Jamaica in 2009, and Jamaica was awesome, but idk if that's a good place to live? Probably better than here, lol
I wish I had more time for modeling right now, I'm going through withdraws! Here's some pics from a shoot in December, I'm still getting images back. If I get my house put back together soon, I can do some photography myself.... I better get to cleaning!

Too bad modeling doesn't pay more, cuz I do love it! I don't have time to hustle like a model has to in order to make money in this industry. And a lot if hustling it takes! You never know though right? Freakin cops will change your life, comin in the front door yelling, yup things will never be quite the same, heh heh. I am feeling a little better about it all day by day, ever the positive one, even when I'm like everything fucked, I know it'll be ok. And as my horoscope keeps telling me, just go with the flow and don't fight the change. The shock has worn off a bit, so now I can think without feeling pissed off. Plus I cleaned my closet last night, so that always helps right?
I so wish that my bf was feeling better about things though, watching someone you love drown themselves in alcohol sucks, and it's so not helping our current financial stresses. Plus being drunk just puts him in an even more sour mood, which makes me annoyed, and the cycle continues. I don't know what to do about it really, he just gets mad if I say it's not helping. I know from having an alcoholic father, that it's only up to the user to stop using ( my father was also into heavy drugs, like cocaine and speed) Ugh! Blah blah stressful blah blah blah
If your still reading this, just laugh with me, ok. It's really not so bad right?

Costa Rica is also on my list....