I read an article recently in the newspaper about how a woman's diet and nutrition
plays a huge factor on if she has a baby boy or girl when she is pregnant. If the
woman eats a lot of bananas while pregnant, she is more likely to have a baby
boy (not kidding - this is a real scientific article)
So if you know someone who is really hoping to have a baby girl, I guess just tell
her to lay off of the potassium.
And if doctors should run across this article, they will probably start to offer banana
bread to their female patients who are hoping to have a baby boy.
But I have to say that this article made me a little sad. Cause here I thought my sperm
had something to do with a woman having either a boy or girl. Once again, science
is showing us guys that women don't really need our gender for anything anymore
(*sob sob*).
As a man, I just want to know that my sperm (or as I like to call it my little swimmers)
still have more value than a bunch of bananas.
I'm just sayin
And that is my thought for the day. I feel like getting a banana shake now.
apparently women who diet a lot have a bigger chance of having a girl. has something to do with survival, I'm sure.
I'll be sure to pass this along or retain this knowledge for the future. I love bananas, but I think I'll pass on them when the time comes. However, I'm not too worried about that at the moment!