Blah today is back to work
That's ok tho I've decided I need to try to have fun everywhere I go or else the almost 1/4 of my life spent at work will be down the drain w/o anything good to come out of it besides money. We'll see how long this positive outlook continues for. I'm fucking tired and hungry right now tho so I'm going to try to take care of that. BTW has anyone ever heard of it being a health code violation to show an inch of skin (where your pants meet your shirt on on your backside) when you bend over to get something? I was informed the other day that it is an I need longer shirts- that's bullshit! I don't really show any skin except a little on my back when I stretch! Whatever!

I would just elaborate the qualities you share with this girl while talking so she can see that anyone can be gay or bi and be "normal"
awesome hair btw