Everything we see is in the past, nothing happens in the present. If you think about it, the entire universe has no direct time correlation. Only single points in time are at the same exact time, and all other points must traverse time to know information about another point. Thus if you want to know anything about another point in space, you are looking into the past to infer it's current state. Nothing in our universe is constant, forget what you have learned about life and reality. Think of the universe as a dark void that you must send out requests for information to explore the vast unknown. These requests for information travel through the dark medium of the ether, and return to you with vast information about what has occured in the past. Nothing you know is the present, all life must guess to survive. The foundation of humanity is based on the paranormal ability of prophecy, for without our advanced sense of predicting the future, we would not be the most sucessful being on the earth. Even down to the tiniest cells in our bodies, who depend on the state of other cells in the body to survive, they can only guess that state as it was in the past. It's easy to see why cancer and other diseases are on the rise in an ever increasingly pollutant world. That all life is based on probability, the mathematical guess that we depend on for our survival, is astonishing. Space is not the direction we should be heading to solve our earthly problems, it should be time.
Put that in yer pipe and smoke it.
Put that in yer pipe and smoke it.
i shall put it in my pipe and smoke it for
that was a most mind boggling observation.
i shall require some advil now.
<3 rennison