Ok, so V-Day equally sucked and rocked. came to an amazing resolution with my conflicts with my current lady that night in a dimly lit appartment hallway. tres cliche but still, it was an amazing moment. then we did the card and gift thing, and it was soo sweet. i cried like a baby. she is so awesome. but then later on while we were watching the notebook *bad idea* i fell asleep. I had been working hard all day and hadn't had more than 4 hours sleep once in like atleast a week. so then i guess the movie reminded her of her past and she got really upset. so she tried to cuddle me and while i was sleeping i guess i pushed her away. but that is soo not a me thing to do. i love that girl with all my heart and if anything i am chronically affectionate. i adore her and having her in my arms for even a few brief moments can make any situation no matter how shitty seem unimportant. But yeah, now she keeps fluctuating from being happy and missing me, to being super hurt and wanting nothing to do with me. i dunno what to do with that. i was super tired that night and i was hot and a little sweaty from the afterglow of other previous evening events. otherwise i am sure that even in my comatose like state, i would have pulled her in and cuddled all night. i just don't know what to do. this seems like it is a really big issue for her, and there isn't really anything i can do to help the situation. bah. it sucks. i guess only time will heal..