Plain and simple.
For those of you who have had it happen, or as faboys/girls tell everyone that it is just an anti-xbox myth, I was one of you until yesterday.
Woke up much like today, a couple hours later than desired, grabbed some breaky and oj and sat down to watch a dvd, 2 minutes into the dvd BANG.
A weird skippy noise, then the image was frozen. When I pressed the eject button hoping it would correct itself blue, then green, then code, then red lights.
Restart. Red Lights.
Leave it for a day, still red lights.
I REFUSE TO SEND IT TO MICROSOFT. I have 7 days left on my warranty and no Walmart within 100 miles has a premium box. All they have left is the arcade, Microsoft's brilliant [COUGH]gimped[/COUGH] holiday bundle.
No HDD, wired controller, compilation of arcade games and a memory card. I don't even know if it has HDMI.
It is a Microsoft conspiracy to pad their install base numbers for the season.
Those who know me know there are only three people on this earth authorized to buy me vinyl, one licensed for clothing and no one for art or apartment dealies.
So that means the family xmas coming and all Yule gifts are of the film and game nature. In the interest of streamlining my posessions I got rid of my dvd player *which didn't upscale anyways* so now I am out a way to interact with either medium in the holiday sense. I was just getting near the end of Bioshock and was looking forward to Mass Effect by the Yule log later this week.
Wii and retro gaming is not gonna cut it...
If I can just find one at a Walmart somewhere I will be set. I can just re-box the old one and bring it back in a couple weeks (they have a no questions asked return policy on defective equipment within 90 days) but in this season it is almost impossible.
No Halo on the eve is a tragedy my poor heart cannot stand to bear...
ADDENDUM: It's a Yuletide miracle!!!!!! It fixed itself. I turned it on and it fixed itself! BAHHHHH!
ok. i'm done.
Edit #2: It did it again, and fixed itself again. Seems to only happen when I watch movies...
Fuck. I am totally kidding myself here. There is no way it will last the month.