I am so tired of papers.
Every one of them just feels like a rehash of something I have already written before.
I have been staring at a blank screen intermittently between finding things to eat, re-arrange, pack and read in a conscious effort to avoid doing my work.
Man I wish I could be a musical genius and then I could niddle away on my powerbook and fiddle with organs and guitars and such all day rather than doing this crap.
Oh well, only 3 more days of this till it is all over.
Just need to focus.
Damn my procrastination.
Am I the only one who always waits till the last minute to do their schoolwork?
It feels like it sometimes.
On the upside my dear friend Jessy showed up this eve bearing gifts of such wonderful delight that I dare not speak their names.
Once the work is done, only then may I indulge.
Also: still no word on what the fuck that french cat movie is called...
That shit is weighing heavy on my mind. lol
Final thought:

I am so tired of papers.
Every one of them just feels like a rehash of something I have already written before.
I have been staring at a blank screen intermittently between finding things to eat, re-arrange, pack and read in a conscious effort to avoid doing my work.
Man I wish I could be a musical genius and then I could niddle away on my powerbook and fiddle with organs and guitars and such all day rather than doing this crap.
Oh well, only 3 more days of this till it is all over.
Just need to focus.
Damn my procrastination.
Am I the only one who always waits till the last minute to do their schoolwork?
It feels like it sometimes.
On the upside my dear friend Jessy showed up this eve bearing gifts of such wonderful delight that I dare not speak their names.
Once the work is done, only then may I indulge.
Also: still no word on what the fuck that french cat movie is called...
That shit is weighing heavy on my mind. lol
Final thought:

Awww I like your ''I are DuneCat'' pic very much!! Okay I don't understand why so many people like sean connery me he is like an overgrown man in the bond films like he has hormone growth problem or something ...not attractive *At all*! with his sloppy overgrown hands I kinda want to punch him in the brain and his is probably soft.....sexually speaking I don't really find the bonds attractive catching std's from around the world would turn me off instantly........maybe pierce .....nah not even....only as the robot voice in the I'd sleep with him if he was just a would hurt though.....I like him as bond as well...I just don't think he has sexually arousing qualities as bond he'd be all ''oh yeah'' and I'd be like ''ahhh take that smug look of your face it's creeping me out!! His squinty eyes would be too disturbing in bed.... I don't find Roger Moore attractive as bond either but I do love his real life persona many a year ago....AS for Jaws!!! Omg I cannot fucking wait to see him!! lol thanks for the pic!
Lovely meeting you today!